Employee Screening
Today’s busy lifestyles can greatly affect the health of employees in all types of businesses. Stress, late nights at the office, fast-food lunches, missed meals and shift work can all create havoc with our body’s immune, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and nervous system. Making some simple lifestyle changes may help prevent this. Our three stage screening process is designed to help towards identifying and reducing these risks.
Our aim is to improve the health of at-risk employees while maintaining the wellness levels of already healthy employees by identifying the most avoidable risk factors associated with unhealthy lifestyles, poor eating habits and the lack of physical activity that contribute towards life threatening diseases, such as, heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
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This portion of the wellness plan is aimed at motivating and educating employees about their body’s reaction to exercise and diet. Focusing on body composition and metabolism and how certain activities and nutritional choices can greatly enhance physical wellbeing. Helping employees to achieve realistic goals to feel healthier and look healthier.
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We examine each employee's general fitness and help them understand the benefits of physical movement and its effects on cardiovascular function, circulation, mobility, agility and general strength. Directing each employee to activities that will best suit their personal fitness level to help boost motivation and encourage adherence to their new personal fitness plan.
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High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, excess alcohol consumption, over weight, poor diet and the lack of physical activity will increases the chance of having serious health problems or even lead to a heart attack or stroke.